This page attempts to spell out graphics hardware design requirements needed to build high-performance graphics subsystems. This page is intended for h/w graphics chip and board designers, as well as graphics software sub-system designers and graphics device driver writers. It's intent is to broaden the understanding of hardware design principles needed to create high-performance graphics subsystems. These principles are well known to high-end folks, but are sorely lacking in the Wintel PC clone marketplace.
This page is motivated by discussions on the comp.os.linux.development.system USENET group, and the efforts of the Linux GGI group, where it has been discovered that most PC-class/ MS Windows graphics hardware is sorely lacking in important graphics features. Current work on hardware-accelerated 3D centers around the Mesa OpenGL implementation. The Graphics Advocacy page provides the Linux background for accelerated 3D graphics.
The single most fundamental concept of high-performance graphics hardware design is that the graphics program must have direct access to the hardware. Depending on your experience, this may sound either obvious, or a damned-fool bad idea. To people writing computer games, and to people building hardware, this is obvious. To people writing operating systems and graphics applications, who are used to device drivers, libraries and windowing systems, this sounds stupid. In fact, both camps are correct: fast access is direct access, and yes, with improperly designed hardware, it is dangerous.
The high-end Unix graphics hardware community has learned that both worlds are possible: direct access from user-level programs (usually through libraries) for performance, coupled to protected system modes that prevent out-of-control or malicious programs from hanging the system and locking up the hardware. However, to create such a system, certain principles must be adhered to in the raster chip, bus interface chip, and graphics card design. These principles are not terribly hard, and in fact are sometimes deceptively simple and obvious. However, many schedules have been slipped due to a misunderstanding of the required functions. The repercussions of these principles affect the hardware, the graphics system, the operating system, the window system, and the graphics application. "Minor" hardware bugs in these areas are not easily worked around in software; indeed, it may not be even possible to work around them.
There are two basic principles: (1) a recognition that there is a difference between a protected mode, to which only the operating system has access, and user-level drawing commands, which any program can bang on. (2) The concept of context switching, whereby one graphics application can be stopped, and another re-started, all without hanging the graphics adapter, or loosing/scrambling the state of the hardware. All of the other principles follow from the above.
Without further ado, the list:
Certain graphics h/w registers/functions, such as cursor control and colormap load, must be segregated into a distinct address space from other functions, such as area clear and line drawing. This allows the operating system to protect *privileged functions*, such as cursor movement or colormap loading, from *user space programs*, which want to have direct access to hardware registers for line drawing and area clear for (obvious) performance reasons. Such functions must be separated by at least 4K bytes, since most CPU's do not allow fine-grained memory protection (e.g. Intel x86, PowerPC, MIPS, Sparc only allow protection for 1K-4K byte pages.)
It is impossible to build a high-performance graphics subsystem if the cursor needs to be drawn using software. This is not much of an issue, since many DAC's today support hardware cursors, and many/most graphics cards provide this function.
All drawing (i.e non-protected) operations must be atomic. This allows the operating system to suspend one program that is drawing, and start up another program that is drawing, without hanging the graphics hardware. For example, if it requires three registers to be written to draw a line or clear an are (start-xy, end-xy, and "command"), it must be possible for the software to write the start/end points, and never get around to writing the command, without hanging the hardware. (If the command is never written, then the line is never drawn).
In particular, this requires that command words be written last, and not first. For commands that require multiple registers to be written, it must be possible to break off the command at any point without hanging the hardware (i.e. it must be possible to write some of the registers, without writing all of them, without indefinitely hanging the hardware). If only a partial command is written, then no operation is performed.All drawing (i.e. user-level) operations must be interruptible. That is, if a command requires that multiple registers must be written, it must be possible to start writing data for this command, and then break this off and perform another command instead. Thus, for example, it must be possible to specify the line endpoints, then specify clear-area extents, then clear the area, then move the cursor, and then ask for the line to be drawn (software may have reloaded the line endpoints first). Such interrupted operations must NOT leave the hardware in an unknown or hung state.
This, together with the atomic-operations requirement above, and the readable registers requirement below, allows a multi-tasking operating system to stop a drawing process at any time (on an instruction-by-instruction basis), put it to sleep, and then allow another drawing process to run and do its drawing. Non-atomic, non-interruptible drawing operations require that the drawing program to obtain a lock, do its stuff, then release the lock when it's done. In general, locks are undesirable: they are slow. Even if a lock was fast, just having to do one takes CPU cycles away from what we really want to do: draw stuff.
Note that after the operating system has suspended one client, it may do house-hold functions, such as updating the cursor or the colormap, before allowing other processes to run. Thus, it must be possible to execute privileged commands that interrupt user commands.
All registers must be readable. This is vital for a multi-tasking operating system. This allows the operating system to stop a graphics process, and save its graphics hardware context. It then allows the OS to restore a possibly different context from a different graphics process, allowing it to run, then stopping it, saving, etc.
The concept introduced here is of "context switching" or "multi-tasking". Basically, a graphics program can be suspended at any time, and another graphics program can be started exactly where it last left off. In order to be able to restart another process precisely where it left off, it must be possible to set the graphics hardware into the exact same state where the last program left off. To be able to get back to the exact same state, it must be possible to somehow read and save this state.
Note that high-end hardware usually provides features that not only make it possible to read and restore state information, but also make this operation extremely fast. Hardware that does support save/restore usually supports this at sub-millisecond speeds, thus allowing hundreds of context switches per second, while still leaving the the CPU and graphics card 90% free so that drawing can continue without hardly any slowdown.
Note that more modern high-end high-end hardware allows multiple graphics contexts: these can be saved to, and restored from special RAM areas on the card, without having to move all of the context information over the bus.
Window clipping planes prevent a program from drawing outside of it's window boundaries. This function isn't absolutely required, but is almost so. A graphics program can achieve much higher performance by not worrying about whether it is drawing outside of it's window boundaries, or whether it is obscured by another window. In addition, clipping planes provide an important security function: they prevent errant or intentionally malicious programs from drawing where they should not. Thus, an out-of-control program will not scribble all over the screen.
The update of window clipping planes must be a reserved, protected operation. That is, the control of window clipping planes must be segregated into a different address space than other user-mode drawing operations.
Note that some graphics hardware provides user-mode clipping registers. These are NOT what we are talking about here. Yes, it is nice to have user-mode clip registers, but these cannot be used by the operating system to prevent out-of-control or malicious programs from drawing where they shouldn't.
Note that hardware that supports directly-addressable frame buffers should also support clip tests against data written to the directly addressable areas.
This is not strictly a requirement, but frankly, for a high-performance, animated 3D hardware, full-screen double buffering sucks. It is painful to support in the operating system, in the graphics subsystem, and basically looks bad once you have two or more windows animating at the same time.
Again, not strictly a requirement, but if you want things to look nice on the screen, you have got to allow applications to set their own private colormaps, without ruining everything for the other windows on the screen.
Another non-requirement, but the fact is that most high-end graphics hardware employs FIFOs to buffer drawing commands between the central CPU and the graphics hardware. These FIFO's are typically anywhere from 64 Bytes to 64 KBytes long. This allows the CPU to write commands to the graphics adapter without having to wait for it to finish, and it allows the graphics hardware to process drawing commands without having to wait for the CPU to provide more commands. As long as the buffer never accumulates more than one-tenth of a second worth of drawing commands, any delays or lags become essentially un-noticeable to the user.
Four common designs are seen: FIFO's in hardware (on the graphics adapter), FIFO's in user-memory, and "ping-pong" buffers. FIFO's on the graphics card can present a problem: when a context switch occurs, the FIFO contents must be saved and restored. They can be moved either to other memory on the graphics card, or they can be sent across the bus, back to the system. FIFO's in user memory present a problem: data and pointers can be corrupted by the user program (accidentally or maliciously). Of course, it must not be possible to hang the hardware due to corrupt data in the FIFO.
Yet another non-requirement. However, almost all high-end hardware keeps considerable graphics context information on the hardware itself. Just as is the case with FIFO's, this context information must be saved and restored when a context switch occurs. Again, this context is moved either to another memory location on the adapter, or is sent back across the bus to the system for temporary storage in the kernel.
Well, that all. There are in fact a large variety of more detailed design issues, but these are too numerous to be discussed in this overview. All of the principles discussed above are well-known and understood in the high-end (UNIX) graphics hardware community. All of these have been discussed and written about in public forums and journals. However, many of these are rare, have low circulation, or are out-of-print. This is the ultimate reason for the existence of this page. See the bibliography below.
The operating system kernel must address each of the hardware design considerations expressed above. In particular, the kernel on SGI Irix and IBM RS/6000 AIX systems supports the following functions:
A user application is granted direct access to the drawing subsystem for the very first time by registering itself with the kernel. The kernel returns addresses to the drawing subsystem hardware.
Access control to the graphics hardware is governed by a mechanism similar in many ways to the page-fault mechanism. Let us review page-faulting: when the CPU attempts to touch a page which is not in real memory (is in the swap space, for instance), the CPU receives an interrupt. The interrupt handler puts the process to sleep, and issues a read request to the disk. When the disk has found the requested page, that page is loaded into real memory, the virtual page tables are updated, and the process is marked "ready-to-run". When a time slice is available, the kernel will schedule the process and allow it to run again.
A graphics fault proceeds in a similar manner: as long as there are no other graphics processes that want to access the hardware, the current process can bang away at it. Periodically, however (typically, every 4 milliseconds), the graphics time-slice expires. The kernel looks to see if here are any other graphics processes that want to run. If so, then it retracts write permission to the graphics hardware from the first process, performs the graphics context switch, and then grants address access to the second process. At this point, if the first process attempts to touch the graphics i/o space, an interrupt will be generated. The first process will be put to sleep. The kernel will then schedule another process to run (not necessarily another graphics process). Graphics time-slice scheduling and regular process scheduling typically run independently of each other.
The kernel must provide interfaces to allow a special process (typically, the X Server) to update the position of the cursor.
Most high-end graphics hardware has window-id (WID) planes. These planes control not only which hardware color palette is used for pixel color lookup, but also typically provide hardware clipping so that a process cannot draw outside of its window and corrupt the screen.
The kernel must provide interfaces to manage these clipping planes, and/or take over management itself. In particular, if a window is moved (e.g. the user picks it up with the mouse and moves it), the WID planes must be updated to reflect the new window position. Window ID updates are by definition a privileged operation: user processes must not be allowed to twiddle with them, as this would allow them to corrupt window contents accidentally or intentionally. If the corruption is accidental, then it is merely ugly: the user sees crap drawn all over the screen, where it shouldn't be. A malicious example might be a rogue program running on a CIA/NSA machine attempting to read confidential information from another window.
If the graphics hardware has hardware contexts or hardware FIFOs, then the kernel must shuffle this data around during a context switch. If the adapter does not have a lot of memory on it, then this data must be copied back across the bus, and stored in some temporary location within the kernel. This memory must, of course,be cleaned up if the graphics process exits.
All high-end graphics hardware supports hardware double buffering. Some supports hardware quad-buffering (for double-buffered stereo viewing). Buffer swaps need to be synchronized with vertical retrace interrupts, so that image tearing does not occur. The kernel is often involved with synchronizing the swap with the retrace interrupt.
Furthermore, the kernel must count the number of pending buffer swaps for a graphics process, and put it to sleep if there are two. A graphics program is still typically allowed to write to a FIFO or buffer while there is one pending, outstanding swap request. But any more than that, and things get ugly. For example, we once allowed a program to issue 600 buffer swaps without putting it to sleep. It then proceeded to buffer swap 60 times a second for the next ten seconds, while everybody wondered why it couldn't be control-C'd, and otherwise acted unexpectedly! Never mind that what it was drawing was 10 seconds out of date with respect to the current position of the mouse!
Many of the above principles are discussed in greater detail in the following classical references. If my memory serves me correctly, the papers by Voorhies and by Rhoden are particularly descriptive of the issues and possible solutions. Yes, these would appear to be very old, but, if anything, they illustrate how Unix and Unix workstations have at times enjoyed a ten year lead in technology over PC's and PC operating systems.
Akeley, Kurt and Tom Jermoluk, "High Performance Polygon Rendering", Conference Proceedings, SIGGRAPH, 1988, vol 22 no. 4, pp 239-246.
Doyle, Brian, "All About Multi-Processing for Unix Workstations", Conference Proceedings NCGA '1990, pp228-253. (National Computer Graphics Association).
Haletky, Edward H. and Linas Vepstas, "Integration of GL with the X Window System", Conference Proceedings, Xhibition 1991, pp.105-113
Norrod, Forest and Larry Thayer, "An Advanced VLSI Chip Set for Very High Speed Graphics Rendering", Conference Proceedings, NCGA 1991, pp 1-10.
Rhoden, Desi and Chris Wilcox. "Hardware Acceleration for Window Systems", Conference Proceedings SIGGRAPH 1989 vol 23 no. 3 pp 61-67.
Stewart, Don. "VLSI: Key to Four Basic Strategies for Improving Workstation Graphics", Conference Proceedings, NCGA 1990 pp 302-308.
Vepstas, Linas. "Porting OpenGL to New Hardware Platforms", Course Notes, OpenGL, SIGGRAPH 1992.
Voorhies, Douglas, David Kirk and Olin Lathrop, "Virtual Graphics", Conference Proceedings, SIGGRAPH 1988, vol 22 no. 4, pp 247-253.